Ivo Pezzuto, DBA

Dr. Ivo Pezzuto teaches Digital Transformation, Disruptive Innovation, Global Economics and Competitiveness, and Business Ethics and Leadership in the IMBA, DBA and PhD programs at ISM. He is also an affiliated member of the Microeconomics of Competitiveness program (MOC) at the Institute of Strategy and Competitiveness, Harvard Business School on behalf of ISM. Dr. Ivo Pezzuto is an internationally recognized lecturer, advisor, and consultant to multinational firms and financial institutions, author, and board member of scholarly journals, He is also a chief economic advisor and board member of a boutique, independent advisory firm focused on cross-border M&A, corporate finance, capital growth and strategic consulting. Dr. Pezzuto is a regular contributor and commentator for major international broadcasting networks such as CNBC, RAI, The Global Analyst Magazine, Bloomberg, BBC Radio, TheStreet, Stansberry Research, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Barron’s, and US News & World Report.
Born in Italy, raised and educated in the USA, Dr. Ivo Pezzuto is a seasoned lecturer of economics, finance, global competitiveness, and strategic management, governance and regulation, and international business at international business schools and executive education programs in Europe (i.e. Catholic University of Milan Fondazione ISTUD, IAE Nice, SMC. He is also a member of the advisory board of a number of international academic journals (i.e. The Global Analyst Magazine, The Journal of Governance and Regulation, The Journal of Business and Sustainability and investment firms). Furthermore, he is an economics commentator, columnist, and a regular contributor to news agencies and international TV broadcasting networks (e.g. CNBC, RAI Economia, Bloomberg/Business Week, AGR, Agência Estado, International Banker Magazine).
He is an internationally recognized author of papers, book chapters and books, articles, and journal publications on economics and on the 2008 global financial crisis. He wrote a book in 2013 titled "Predictable and Avoidable. Repairing Economic Dislocation and Preventing the Recurrence of Crisis" in collaboration with 22 "global thought leaders" of leading global organizations (e.g. Stanford University, NYU, University of Chicago, Wharton Financial Institutions Center, London School of Economics, IESE, Bocconi University, La Sorbonne University, Financial Times, Bloomberg LP, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Oracle, Temenos, Citi, Royal Bank of Scotland, Unicredit Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank). In 2010 he has contributed one chapter, along with prominent scholars such as, James K. Galbraith, Benjamin J. Keys, Tanmoy Mukherjee, Amit Seru, and Vikrant Vig, Erik F. Gerding, Alan Kirman, Brenda González-Hermosillo, Antonio Spilimbergo, Steve Symansky, Olivier Blanchard, and Carlo Cottarelli to Prof. Robert W. Kolb book titled "Lessons from the Financial Crisis: Causes, Consequences, and Our Economic Future" published by Wiley.
Prior to his current board advisory, management consulting, and academic career, he has held senior executive positions at national and international level in Europe for leading global organizations in diversified industries (FCA, American Express, Accenture, Citibank, Diners Club). He is a consultant and board advisor to national and international firms and institutions. He has earned a BS degree from NYU Stern School of Business, an MBA from SDA Bocconi School of Management, and a Doctorate degree in Economics, Finance, and Corporate Governance from SMC University.
Professor Ivo Pezzuto was the recipient of ISM’s Teaching Excellence Award for the 2018-2019 academic year. The winner was selected based on student evaluation scores, informal feedback, and dedication to the ISM community.
- Pezzuto, I. (2021, January 26). COVID-19: The Unexpected and Disruptive Event That Will Radically Shake-Up and Change the World as We Know It, EconoMonitor & TheStreet, New York
Pezzuto, I. (2020). “Editorial: COVID-19: The Unexpected and Disruptive Event that Will Radically Shake up and Change the World as We Know It.”Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 10(4), 4-6. https://doi.org/10.22495/rgcv10i4editorial
Pezzuto, I. (2020, August 25). World Economy Resilience or “Great Reset”? The Highly Uncertain and Turbulent Road to Recovery in the Post-COVID-19 Era, Economonitor, TheStreet, New York
Pezzuto, I. (2020). World Economy. Resilience or Great Reset, The Global Analyst, an exclusive monthly on Business & Finance, August 2020 Volume 9 Issue 8. IUP Publications, ISSN 2320-5628. A Division of ICFAI - The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI), India
Pezzuto, I. (2019) "Making Healthcare Systems More Efficient and Sustainable in Emerging and Developing Economies Through Disruptive Innovation. The Case of Nigeria." Journal of Management and Sustainability, Vol 9, No 2, December 2019 issue. Canadian Center of Science and Education.
Pezzuto, I., Osagie, Z. (2019) "Disruptive Innovation and Healthcare. The Case of Nigeria.” The Global Analyst, an exclusive monthly on Business & Finance, April 2019 Volume 8 Issue 4. IUP Publications, A Division of ICFAI - The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI), India
Pezzuto, I. (2019) “Turning Globalization 4.0 Into a Real and Sustainable Success for All Stakeholders.” Published on the Journal of Governance and Regulation, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2019, Virtus Interpress.
Pezzuto, I. (2019, February) “Balancing the Opportunities and Challenges of the New Era of Globalization with Social Inclusion and Sustainability Goals for All Stakeholders” International Banker Magazine Winter 2019 issue, Finance Publishing, London, UK
Pezzuto, I. (2018, December 28th) “Overcoming the Challenges of the New Era of Globalization Creating Shared Value” Roubini EconoMonitor LLC, a Joint-Venture Between Roubini Global Economics and Ashmore Media Group, New York, U.S.A.
Pezzuto, I. (2017, September) “Is the EU Sustainable?”, ICTF World Magazine September 2017 issue, pp. 20-28, International Credit and Trade Finance Association, London, UK
Pezzuto, I. (2017, August) “Eurozone Recovery: Is It Sustainable?” The Global Analyst, an exclusive monthly on Business & Finance, Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017 Issue. IUP Publications, A Division of ICFAI - The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI), India
Pezzuto, I. (2017, July 5st) “European Union Recovery – Surprise Economic Story of 2017” Roubini EconoMonitor LLC, a Joint-Venture Between Roubini Global Economics and Ashmore Media Group, New York, U.S.A.
Pezzuto, I. (2016, December 2nd) “Italian Referendum: What to Expect?” Roubini EconoMonitor LLC, a Joint-Venture Between Roubini Global Economics and Ashmore Media Group, New York, U.S.A.
Pezzuto, I. (2016, June 27th) “A Trivially Overlooked Brexit Scenario and Its Potential Aftermath in Early 2016.” Roubini EconoMonitor LLC, a Joint-Venture Between Roubini Global Economics and Ashmore Media Group, New York, U.S.A.
Pezzuto, I. (2016, June 14th) “Venezuela: Crisis in Caracas.” Roubini EconoMonitor LLC, a Joint-Venture Between Roubini Global Economics and Ashmore Media Group, New York, U.S.A.
Pezzuto, I. (2016, June 14th) “Venezuela: Crisis in Caracas.” The Global Analyst, an exclusive monthly on Business & Finance, Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016 Issue. IUP Publications, A Division of ICFAI - The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI), India
Pezzuto, I (2016) “Brexit.” Will It or Won’t It: The Big Question Before Britain!" The Global Analyst, an exclusive monthly on Business & Finance, Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 Issue. Media Five Publications (P) Ltd., Hyderabad, India
Pezzuto, I (2016) "Fed Bites The Bullet. Implements First Rate Hike in Nearly a Decade". The Global Analyst, an exclusive monthly on Business & Finance, Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016 Issue. Media Five Publications (P) Ltd., Hyderabad, India
Pezzuto, I (2015, November) "China and the US Fed: Leading the World Toward Extreme Volatility?". International Banker Magazine Autumn 2015 issue, Finance Publishing, London, UK.
Pezzuto, I. (2015, September 8th). Un rialzo dei tassi della Fed dovrebbe filare liscio. Ma forse è più prudente aspettare." ("The Fed's Rates Rise Should Go Smoothly. But Perhaps it is More Prudent to Wait"). MF financial newspaper, Publisher: Class Editori, Italy.
Pezzuto, I. (2015) "Federal Reserve's Rate Rise. Coming Soon?". The Global Analyst, an exclusive monthly on Business & Finance, Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015 Issue. Media Five Publications (P) Ltd., Hyderabad, India
Pezzuto, I. (2015) "Grexit": Avoided For Now!” The Global Analyst, an exclusive monthly on Business & Finance, Volume 4 Issue 8, August 2015 Issue. Media Five Publications (P) Ltd., Hyderabad, India.
Pezzuto, I. (2013) “Predictable and Avoidable. Repairing Economic Dislocation and Preventing the Recurrence of Crisis”. Publisher: Gower/Ashgate Publishing. UK
Contributions to Articles
Constable, S. (2018, January 17). “Barron’s: Battered British Defense Stock Will Mount New Charge” Posted online on Barron’s.com.
Constable, S. (2018, November 28). “The Chart That Explains GM's Woes Better Than Blaming Trump” Posted online on Forbes.com, U.S.A.
Constable, S. (2018, October 5). “Barron’s: Italian Bonds Are Cheap — but for Risk Takers Only” Posted online on Barron’s.com
Constable, S. (2018, August 28). “Lessons on Borrowing…$200 Million at a Time” Posted online on Korn Ferry Institute Reports & Insights. Korn Ferry.
Constable, S. (2018, July 23). “Globalization Ain't Dead Yet” Posted online on Forbes.com, U.S.A.
Anderson, K. (2018, June 6). “In Spain, Italy: Surviving a Void” Posted Online on Korn Ferry Institute Reports & Insights. Korn Ferry.
Hawkes, A. (2018, June 2). “Market Panic Sparked by Italy's Political Turmoil is Not Over Year, Economists Warn” Posted Online on This is Money.co.uk (Daily Mail)
Durden, T. (2018, June 3). “As Good As Gold: Turkey Uses Bullion To Try To Stabilize Its Economy” Published Online on ZeroHedge.com/ABC Media, LTD.
MedyaTurk (2018, June 1). “La Turquie Utilise l’Or Exactement de la Façon Dont il Faudrait l’Utiliser” (“Turkey Uses Gold Exactly the Way It Should be Used”), Posted Online on MedyaTurk.
Constable, S. (2018, June 1). “Good as Gold: Turkey Uses Bullion to Stabilise its Economy” Posted online on Middle East Eye
Constable, S. (2018, February 8). “The EU's Banking Ruse to Create a United States of Europe” Posted online on PJMedia.com, U.S.A.
Constable, S. (2017, December 19). “U.K. Deal With the EU May Help British Stocks” Posted online on U.S. News & World Report (Money), U.S.A.
Constable, S. (2017, December 16). “Brexit-Lite Comes with Economic Pitfalls for Britain” Posted online on PJMedia.com, U.S.A.
Constable, S. (2017, October 27). “More Catalonias to Come: Spain a Symptom of EU Economic Structure” Posted online on PJMedia.com, U.S.A.
Constable, S. (2017, October 16). “A Race to the Bottom in Britain as Parties Offer Plans for Housing Crisis” Posted online on PJMedia.com, U.S.A.
Constable, S. (2017, September 27). “Despite Legislative Setbacks, Trump Winning War on Regulations” Posted online on PJMedia.com, U.S.A.
Constable, S. (2016, December 13). “What Italy's Big Vote Means for Investors” Posted online on U.S. News & World Report (Money), U.S.A.
Sunderland, R. (2016, November 21). “The Other PM Set to Lose His Job After Calling a Referendum: Italy's December Vote Spells Trouble for Matteo Renzi” Posted Online on This is Money.co.uk (Daily Mail)
Constable, S.. (2016, October 23). “Is Longevity Insurance Too Risky?” Posted online on The Wall Street Journal (Markets, Your Money, Journal Reports: Wealth Management), U.S.A.
Constable, S.. (2016, September 11). “Are Investors More or Less Willing to Take on Risk After a Big Money Loss?” Posted online on The Wall Street Journal (Markets, Your Money, Journal Reports: Wealth Management), U.S.A.
Blavy, R. (2016, June 30). “Navigating Through Brexit” Posted online on the blog ‘Warning Signals/Crisis Economics’, University Paris Dauphine, France
Peveraro, S. (2016, March 5th). “Non-Performing Loans? They are all SMEs’ Loans”, Milano Finanza. Italy
Totaro, L., Silver, V. (2015, July 23rd). “Italy Leans While Greece Tumbles”, Bloomberg Businessweek. USA.