Nathan Sambul, DBA

Nathan Sambul, MA teaches Advertising and Communications in the IMBA program at ISM. Sambul is an international marketing specialist with clients in Europe and North America. Previously, he was Chief Marketing Officer for Marsh, the world’s leading insurance broker (with revenues over $5 billion). His areas of global responsibility included advertising, new business development research, consumer behavior, knowledge management, direct marketing, graphics, publicity, and intellectual content for clients and prospects.
Prior to Marsh, Sambul was Head of Marketing for Merrill Lynch’s North America’s retail operation, with a marketing budget of $88 million and 175 full-time marketing employees. He began his career at a New York advertising agency, Norman, Lawrence, Patterson & Farrell, and later founded an award-winning marketing agency, whose clients included Chase, American Express, Minolta, and Merck.
"Sambul received a DBA in International Business Management from ISM, an MA in Mass Communications from the University of Michigan, and a BA in Mass Communications from Queens College, NY.
Sambul, Nathan J. Top Trader’s Guide to Technical Analysis. Dearborn Financial Press, 1995.
Sambul, Nathan J. The Handbook of Private Television. McGraw-Hill, 1982.
Numerous articles in Inc., Videography, International Television, and other trade publications.