DBA alumnus Courtney Rottman and Professor Kimberly Reeve, Chair of International Business at ISM, co-presented at the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) 2024 conference held in Antwerp, Belgium from July 16-19, 2024. Their presentation, titled "Philanthropy and Operations Post COVID-19: Digital Transformation of Academic Medical Centers," was based on a key finding from Dr. Rottman's DBA dissertation.

The 16th International Conference focused on the theme "Crisis After Crisis After …: What About the Third Sector?" Organized by ISTR, a leading international association founded in 1992, the event brought together nearly 600 participants from 60 countries to explore critical issues and share research on civil society, philanthropy, and the nonprofit sector.

For more details about the ISTR 2024 conference, click here.

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