Testimonials by program:

At ISM, the aspect I appreciate the most is the diversity of the program: students coming from different cultures, countries and educational backgrounds. What is more, the choice of candidates is excellent. Even if it seems that we are all so different at first sight, we have something in common: the willingness and the curiosity to learn and the academic mind-set to create an even more interesting, and more successful existence by widening our horizons.

The ISM professors are trained to meet our (very high) expectations. They all have significant industry experience and demonstrate how theoretical knowledge can be transformed into practice.ISM strives to continuously improve their programs, websites, intranet tools and academic resources in order to adapt to an ever changing environment, to meet the highest standards and to offer the best service to their students.

Never in my life have I gained, by academic guidance, so much useful information about how to deal with everyday professional challenges, even in fields I thought I never would understand, like financial analysis! (I work in human resources).

This approach of finding the right balance between theoretical knowledge and experience in business makes ISM so unique that upon completing their IEMBA program, I applied and have been accepted to participate in the Ph.D program.

More student stories

Aristide Caraccio | IMBA Alumnus from Singapore

I started working at 21 in order to acquire a certain experience in business and management to use when it came time to found my own…

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Anteneh Getachew | IMBA Alumnus from Ethiopia

I graduated in 1998 with a BSc degree in engineering in Ethiopia. 10 years after graduation, I had worked in different positions…

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Yul Bahat | IMBA Alumnus from Israel

The program exposed me to a wide array of topics I had never before considered. This has helped me to make a personal transition…

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  • ATHEA Accreditation

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  • US State Authority to
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  • Status with the French
    Ministry of Education
  • Établissement d'enseignement
    supérieur privé technique

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