Testimonials by program:

ISM is an end-to-end great experience. The quality of engagement with faculty and other students enables continuously rich learning. The courses are relevant for today and the future, and the content is delivered through excellent tools and methods. The knowledge and perspectives that intersect are at the frontier of relevance and usefulness. I continue to grow personally and professionally through the doctoral program, and I will continue to build on my new capabilities and knowledge points so that I can also play a similar role to ISM in the future by building other people's capabilities within the different spheres of my life.

More student stories

Deseye Umurhohwo | DBA Alumnus from Nigeria

In 2015, I decided to advance my academic career and began my search for a school that fit my needs. I was interested in studying at…

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Richard Belloff | DBA alumnus from the United States

I enrolled in ISM's DBA program with the explicit intention of teaching full-time at the university level. I was both pleased and…

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William Fawcett | DBA Candidate from the United States

I originally applied to ISM’s IMBA program while I was doing my first start-up. We had just raised $1.2 billion for a new global…

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Our Accreditation

  • ATHEA Accreditation

Our Recognition

  • US State Authority to
    Confer Diplomas
  • Status with the French
    Ministry of Education
  • Établissement d'enseignement
    supérieur privé technique

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