I started my first job shortly after completing my first degree, and I found that the real workplace was quite different from the classroom and from the internships. It was a rough immersion into the real world. Eighteen years and a number of jobs later, I found myself looking for options to broaden my knowledge and give some additional and fresh theoretical framework to what I have acquired through my work experience. Given my area of work, an MBA came up as the next natural step.

I planned to take a full year off and go to a francophone country. I happen to feel at ease in France, and more specifically in Paris, so I devoted myself to the search of the correct programme. I was indeed happy to learn that there were programmes fully taught in English, so I could accomplish two goals: get an MBA and finally become fluent in oral and written French. I also am looking forward to practicing yoga, eating healthy and living in a modern city for a change, after spending four and a half years in post-conflict Liberia, West Africa.

My search narrowed the options down to a number of schools that offer one year full time MBA programmes taught in English in Paris. I went through the admissions processes of four different business schools, and got admitted to all of them. After comparing the curriculum, the faculty, and the thoroughness of the selection process, I chose ISM. I felt confident that my experience would be meaningful and enriching. I had to shift to the IEMBA when my request for a full sabbatical year did not come through, and the ISM staff were flexible and helpful. The enrollment process was smooth, and here I am, ready to start studying again!

I must say that I am totally excited and ready to start this academic adventure. I know it will bring new concepts and new ideas that will shape the next options in my career. I am looking forward to learning along with people from different backgrounds, different paths, different interests and focus. I am willing to challenge myself by forging ahead an appealing curriculum. I am ready!

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Petra Zlota

Truly Multicultural Environment

Nov 26, 2014
in IMBA Student Blog by Petra Zlota

After getting to know more about my study program and the school itself, I must say there is truly a reason why the school has the…

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A Crash Course in Tech

Jun 15, 2018
in IMBA Student Blog by Keira Rakoff

It is hard to believe that my time at ISM is coming to an end! I feel grateful that I still have a few classes left and some time…

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Petra Zlota

First Experiences at ISM

Nov 26, 2014
in IMBA Student Blog by Petra Zlota

Being a student in the IEMBA program, I have some flexibility to create my own schedule so that I can study while working full time.…

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