Dr.Elias Hadzillias teaches E-Commerce in the IMBA program at ISM. Hadzilias holds a Ph.D in Business Process Management and a Master of Science in Industrial Systems, both earned at National Technical University in Athens (Greece). Based in Athens, he works as a freelance management consultant in addition to his teaching at IESEG School of Management and Université Catholique de Lille.

His areas of teaching and research have been in E-Business, E-Government, Virtual Enterprises, Enterprise Modeling, Strategic Management, and Operations Management. His research has been published in the International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, and Production Planning & Control. His most recent research, "Identifying the Critical Success Factors for E-Commerce Effectiveness: the Case of Qatar", was published in a 2008 text on "Business Excellence and Competiveness in the Middle East and North Africa".


  • Hadzilias, E.A., Carugati, A., (2009)

    “Identifying the critical success factors for E-commerce effectiveness: the case of Qatar”, in Allam Ahmed (Ed.): “Business Excellence and Competitiveness in the Middle East and North Africa”, Inderscience Publishers,(ISSN 0-907776-38-8).

  • Hadzilias, E.A. (2007)

    "The Cost Factors in E-Taxation Services", in Josef Makolm,Gerti Orthofer (Eds.): "E Taxation: State & Perspectives", Institut für Informatik in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung (ISBN 978-3-85499-191-5).

  • Hadzilias, E.A. (2008)

    “Identifying the critical success factors for E-commerce effectiveness: the case of Qatar”, in Allam Ahmed (Ed.): “Business Excellence and Competitiveness in the Middle East and North Africa”, Inderscience Publishers,(ISSN 0-907776-38-8).

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