Ivonne Chirino-Klevans, PhD

Dr. Ivonne Chirino-Klevans teaches Human Resources Management and Teaching & the Human Brain and is a core faculty member at ISM. She has worked extensively as a consultant with Fortune 500 organizations on topics related to Global Leadership, Decision Making, Diversity and Inclusion. Her research interests are the integration of technology, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence in skill development. She is a multiple award winner for the development of virtual reality simulations focused on conflict management across cultures, as well as the recipient of multiple “Excellence in Teaching” awards.
Dr. Chirino-Klevans has served in many leadership positions such as Assistant Dean of Executive Education at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, and founding member of Duke Corporate Education (Duke CE). Duke CE was ranked as number one executive education provider in the world, Director of International and Distance Education at North Carolina State University, USA. She holds a teaching position at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, USA, teaching Leadership, Behavioral Economics and Decision Making, and coordinates the Diversity and Inclusion academic area. Earlier in her career, she served as Sports Psychologist for Olympic teams.
A former elite gymnast and All-American in gymnastics, she brings her expertise in sports to the classroom by designing high-impact and transformative learning experiences aimed at developing competencies for teaching and learning in multicultural and global environments.
Dr. Chirino-Klevans holds a PhD in Psychology, a Masters in Psychology, a Masters in Business Administration and an undergraduate degree in Psychology. She also has a specialization in Instructional Design focusing on integration of technology in Education. She is author and editor of the book Author and editor of the book “Cases on Global Leadership in the Contemporary Economy.
- Book: Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (2020). Cases on Global Leadership in the Contemporary Economy. Hershey, PA, IGI. Global. Business Science Reference.
- Chapter in a book: Lee, J. and Chirino-Klevans, F.I. Cosmopolitanism in a World of Teachers: American Student Teachers in a Chinese School. In Spires, H. (2018). Digital Transformation and Innovation in Chinese Education. Hershey, PA IGI.
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (November, 2012). Cultural dimensions in the online classroom. Conference for international schools’ administrators in South East Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. http://www.earcos.org/elc2012/elc12_assoc.php
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (October, 2012). Using digital tools to create easy, effective, usable learning objects in the online classroom. Workshop presented at the Korean association of international schools’ educators conference, Incheon, South Korea. http://korcos.wikispaces.com/Ivonne+Chirino-Klevans,+PhD,+Walden+University
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (September, 2012). Five essential steps for setting up e-learning for corporate training. Society for Human Resources Puerto Rico chapter 39th annual conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. http://conference.shrmpr.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=60&Itemid=71
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (August, 2012). Curriculum Internationalization using distance learning. Workshop presented at the International conference for distance and continuing education. Mexico, D.F. http://amecyd.uaemex.mx/8congresointernacional/ponentes.html
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (June, 2012). Integrating learning styles in on line education. Workshop presented at the south eastern chapter conference for executive educators. Mexican Association for Distance and Continuing Education. Chiapas, Mexico.
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (April, 2012). Integrating learning styles in on line education. Workshop presented at the north eastern chapter conference for executive educators. Mexican Association for Distance and Continuing Education Baja California, Mexico.
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (March, 2012). When culture and technology meet each other: Cultural competencies in the online learning environment. Workshop presented at the Korean association of international schools conference, Incheon, South Korea.
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (March, 2012). Four learning styles, four online tools: Designing online activities for digital natives. Workshop presented at the Association of American Schools in South America Conference, Quito, Ecuador. http://korcos.wikispaces.com/Ivonne+Chirino-Klevans,+PhD,+Walden+University
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (March, 2012). Integrating social media in training and development programs. Presentation delivered at the second executive training and e-learning forum. Mexico, D.F., Mexico.
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (October, 2011). International communities of learning: Leading in the e-global village. Conference for international school educators in South Asia. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. http://www.earcos.org/elc2011/elc-assoc.php
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (October, 2011). Educators, technology and 21st century learning skills: Dispelling the five myths of online learning”. Conference for TRI Association of American Schools of Central America, Colombia, Caribbean and Mexico. Panama City, Panama.
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (September, 2011). Blogs, chats, social media in diverse and global organizations: Cultural competency in the use of social media for communications for HR professionals. Society for Human Resources Puerto Rico chapter 38th annual conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (May, 2011). Online communities of practice for health professionals. The International Council of Nurses conference, Valetta, Malta.
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (November, 2010). The future of e-learning: Online education for a global community. Conference for international schools’ administrators in South Asia. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. http://www.earcos.org/eac2010/ELC2010-Conf-Glance.pdf
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (September, 2010). Needs assessment for technology mediated training and development. Society for Human Resources Puerto Rico chapter 37th annual conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (April, 2010). Self-efficacy in the field and in the classroom: I know I can and you noticed. Workshop delivered at the Annual PE conference for international schools, Waterloo, Belgium.
- Chirino-Barceló, F.I. (April, 1998). Using the learning space to teach a redesigned organizational Psychology course. The 9th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL.
- Chirino-Barceló, F.I., Boumedine, M. and Romero, M.C. (March 1997). Case base system for training students on situational leadership. Unpublished paper presented at 8th. International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL.
- Boumedine, M., Chirino-Barceló, F.I. and Espinoza, E. (1996). A formal approach to the EMI model and case study. The International Congress on Multimedia and Hypermedia. Texas, USA.
- Boumedine, M., Chirino-Barceló, F.I. and Espinoza, E. (1996). Towards the definition of an intelligent tutoring system as an aid for the database design courses. The XIII International Congress on Educational Technology, Boston, MA, U.S.A.
- Boumedine, M. and Chirino-Barceló, F.I. (1995). An expert system for implementing a manufacturing training program. The 3rd. International Conference in Robotics and Manufacturing, Cancun, Mexico.
- Schmidt, M.S., McDaniel, W.F, and Chirino Barceló, F.I. (March 1992). ACTH 4-9 effects upon retention of black and white pattern discrimination in rats with bilateral neocortical ablations. The 83rd. Annual meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
- McDaniel, W.F., Davall, E.J., Waters, P.E., Schmidt, M.S. and Chirino Barceló, F.I. (March 1989). The influences of ACTH 4-9 analog upon learning in neocorticarl injuries. The International Conference on the Neurobiology of Aging: Novel Models and Treatments for Alzheimer´s Disease, St. Petersburg, FL.
- McDaniel, W.F., M.S.Schmidt, B.K. Davis, Chirino-Barceló, F.I. and T.L. Weaver. (October 1989). ACTH 4-9 analog and learning in normal and injured rats. Conference on Neuroscience Functions, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, MD.
Professional Publications and Magazine articles
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (2011, January). Is your company tweeting the right message to its audience? Business Puerto Rico, 32-33.
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (2010, Oct-Dec). Líder virtual, resultados reales. Estas listo para el reto? Virtual leader, real results: Are you ready for the challenge? SHRM Recursos 1(34-36).
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (2008, Dec). Motivation across generations. Talent Management, 24-27. http://talentmgt.com/articles/view/motivation_across_generations
- Chirino-Klevans, F.I. (2008, July 18). Nine questions to ask your boss. Retrieved November 2012 from CNN.com. http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/worklife/04/21/cb.9.questions.boss/index.html